Learning Rust

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1 January 2023

My New Year’s resolution for 2023 is to teach myself Rust. I’m going to try something new here: for each feature or aspect of the language I learn about, I’m going to write up a post explaining it on this blog. Explaining something to others is a great way to make sure you’ve understood it yourself, and I’m hoping this will also give me a nice reference to look up the details on anything I’ve already learned.

Here’s the full list of articles:

  1. Enums
  2. Tuples and Structs
  3. Algebraic Data Types
  4. The Stack and the Heap
  5. Panic
  6. Error Handling
  7. Testing
  8. Ownership
  9. References
  10. Constants
  11. Slices
  12. The Option Type
  13. Iterators
  14. Integers
  15. Floating Point Numbers
  16. Pattern Matching
  17. Functions
  18. Methods
  19. Traits
  20. Generics
  21. Lifetimes
  22. Text I/O
  23. Packages and Modules
  24. Type Aliases
  25. Documentation
  26. Binary I/O

And a final one looking back at the experience: Learning Rust (7 May 2023).